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US-Wahl im Ticker: Harris nennt Einlenken der Ukraine “gefährlich und inakzeptafel”

US-Wahl im Ticker: Harris nennt Einlenken der Ukraine “gefährlich und inakzeptafel”

Harris called out Selensky and warned about Trump

Donnerstag, September 26, 11:11 PM: US President Kamala Harris has given Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky an explanation for a Wahlsieg in his contacts with Donald Trump. “My support for the people of Ukraine is unnerving. (…) I was more confident on the side of the Ukraine and I was happy with it, because the Ukraine died in war and in safety and well-being,” said the President of Harris with a Besuch Selenskyjs in Washington with Blick on the Russian Angriffskrieg .

Harris would have put an end to the Kriegs, but the Ukraine would no longer be able to survive. In the US it is becoming “a bit” woolly. While Ukraine is planning to move, large parts of the territories are being neutralized, they neutralized the situation and other countries are becoming more transparent. “This Vorschläge is the gleichen with the (Russian President Wladimir) Putin, and will be one of the things in Klaren, that is not a Vorschläge for the Frieden trade. It could be that there has been a capitulation, the effect and the ill-considered one,” Harris said.

Kein Shutdown: US Parliament support for the Übergangslösung

02.33 am: The parliament in the United States has decided on a government position and thus obtained a bare image of the government’s government. Besides, we were also employed by another employee in the context of the open-ended management of our employees. US President Joe Biden said Gesetz was not yet known.

The Gesetz stopped financing the Regierungsbehörden on 20. Dezember aufrecht – also on the Präsidentschaftswahl on 5. November. The Ausgaben were modified at the level of the previous Haushalts. There is a wide range of legal proceedings for the protection of the secret services and the suppression of the secret services after the two infatuations with the Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump. The final destruction would shift and only occurred after the Wahlen.

The Senate passed the maßnahme am Mittwoch with 78 of 18 votes, also with the Unterstützung of Democrats and Republikanern, which would tackle the representatives of the representatives of the problems from one day to the next. There have been many parliamentarians in the Bundesstaat and intensive Wahlkampfwochen, in November it is no longer the case that President Joe Biden is separated, and also the Neuverteilung aller Sitze in the representative house and a Drittels der Sitze in the Senate.

Harris attacks Trump at Wahlkampfauftritt as “great Versager”

2:20 am: Kamala Harris, the president of the Democratic Party in the US, has recruited the Republican American Donald Trump incompetence and advocacy of the Oberschicht to the Wirtschaftsfragen. When Trump “a good economy would function, if he would go for the war, while the big skycrazer would work,” Harris said in the Mittwoch at a Wahlkampf veranstaltung in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Während Trumps Zeit as president of the US will soon see 200,000 manufacturing sites in Australia being relocated, says Harris. Das mache in Konkurrenten “zu einem der größten Versager aller Zeiten” in Bezug auf de verarbeitende Industrie.

Harris went as a researcher to the medium-term bolt and found a new path towards investments in the industrial business activities and management of the family and the Mittelständische Unternehmen considered.

Trump could carry out an anschlagsort in Pennsylvania

Donnerstag, September 26, 12:17 am: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will take up a job with the Federal State of Pennsylvania in October, and Mittel July will offer a focus area. The Wahlkampfteam of the ex-presidents can appeal to your land in Butler on October 5, but more people will become war. In the 78th century the man would go on the attack, and the second man, the lost, that is so. Other woolen ones are to thank the Security and Rettungskräften for my Einsatz.

Biden and Harris meet Selenskyj in Washington

11.28 pm: US President Joe Biden has visited his Ukrainian Kollegen Wolodymyr Selenskyj in the Donnerstag in the Weißen Haus. Selensky will propose a plan to Biden and Kamala Harris at a meeting, who will get a Siege of the Ukraine in the Russian Angriffskrieg and a Justice Frieden.

“So we know that President Selenskij saw a bald man who prepared this plan, and we will make one of those statements,” Bidens told Karine Jean-Pierre Anfang der Woche. Biden wants to spread the ‘youngest Entwicklungen auf dem Schlachtfeld’ with Selensky and criticize the American support for Ukraine.

Am Donnerstag aims to include the Selensky and Mitgliedern US Congresses in the programme. Most of the people Selensky would want to see in the US were Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump. “Politico” reported reports that there would be a solution to the mittlerweile as an unquestionable gilte. The portal wrote an agitation to a Mitarbeiter of Trump’s Wahlkampfteam, that the term will not last longer.

The American Secret Service warns about Morddrohungen from Iran

5:30 am: Donald Trump has asked the Wahlkampf teams of US Secret Services to be informed about “real and concrete crimes” in Iran. Whoever speaks of the Trump Campaign, Steven Cheung, is the service (Ortszeit) erklärte, that the Secret Service Mitarbeiter “festgestellt, that die anhaltenden and cordinierten Angriffe” has the republican Presidential candidates in the vergangen Monaten-zugenommen-hätten. Ziel der Morddrohungen gegen the Republikaner says: “the US will destabilize and create chaos”.

Although the FBI of the US Federal Police and other US presidents have engaged the Iranian hacker of the Wahlkampf team at the White House, US presidents Joe Biden Dokumente teams are involved in the “gestohlen” team of Trump’s Team. I reported a hacker scare to the Trump team in August.

Mutmaßlicher Trump-Attentäter weigh Mordversuchs angeklagt

Mittwoch, September 25, 3:17 am: There are a number of ways to pay attention to Donald Trump festivities that offer a different way of life for Mordes and one of the presidential candidates. When the US Ministry of Justice gets to work, a Grand Jury is called in Miami – a contracted one – the Anklage. Dem Mitte September on a Golfplatz Trumps in Florida through the Polish festivities Ryan Routh was now in his last attempt at Straftatbestände his last attempt, but this war will probably continue.

The guidance documents show that the Verfahren were destroyed after the Zufallsprinzip and Richterin Aileen Cannon. Trump himself was nominated for his post during the Judgment of Trump’s punishment in the affair during the private residence at Mar-a-Lago based on secret documents.

Ways will be chosen for attention distribution and a presidential candidate for a Schusswaffe for a Gewalstverbrechen and der fury on a Bundesbeamten-vorgeworfen. While the Bundesbeamten are acting, there is targeted cooperation with an agent of the Security Service of presidents and presidential candidates of the secret service.

The last time Routh was punished was on September 15 at the Edge of Trumps Golfplatz in West Palm Beach with a great experience, where the ex-president played the game of golf. A Secret Service beam landed on Mann and the enemy. If Routh makes the run, but it’s a fantastic party. Trump would not be lost.