

NL News 2024

Starmer is coming to visit Berlin

Starmer is coming to visit Berlin

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – In just seven weeks, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer will be in office for his presidential review of Berlin. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) will be the chef de cuisine of the social democratic Labour Party for the Berlin Chancellery with military recommendations (10:00). After the discussion has started, a press conference will be held (at 12:00). Both politicians, the European subfamilies, have the 5th Starmer to their name. July donated to the NATO summit in Washington and to the Europa summit in South England. The presidential review should be used to give new impetus to the German-British interests.

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Star conservative Vorgänger Rishi Sunak has 18 months to go before he absolutely celebrates a year of Antrittsbesuch in Berlin in April. It is possible that the two have shared experience of working together in health care and advocacy.

Great Britain will be outside the European Union in 2020, together with the Deutschland der Nato, the G7 economics starker western Democrats and the G20 der weltweit wichtigsten Wirtschaftsmächte an./mfi/DP/nas

Source: dpa-AFX