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Is the secret of Stonehenge finally out?

Is the secret of Stonehenge finally out?

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Is the secret of Stonehenge finally out?
Stonehenge – a beachy Ste- information. © Pond5 Images/Image

De Frage nach dem Ursprung des Altarsteins, der das Herzstück des Stonehenge-Monuments-bildet, beschäftigt die Forschung. Forscher machen einen unerwarteten Fonds.

LONDON – The most famous prehistoric monument in the world provides more history and history. While I was in the Mitwoch, the long-mysterious “Altarstone” in the Heart of Stonehenge from the sailing Schottland tribe, a new question was unearthed, who – and why – a ton of heavy sandstone slab for 5000 years found in the road from North to South.

Außerirdische? Unwahrscheinlich, es sei denn, that Regierung was etwas, was we not erasing. If you are in the area timeless Glacier can be layered if the Great Britain covers the Pleistozäns with Wollmammuts? Wahrscheinlich nicht. The Eischilde in Schottland move towards the Norden, not towards the South, and lower towards the Moränen in the entgegengesetzten Richtung ab. There are also two theories.

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The Altarstein arose from the Neolithic Vorfahren for the Erfindung des Rades 500 Meilen (approx. 805 km) or more land over the high Hügel and through the dense Wälder des prehistoricen Britanniens geschleppt, or, wie diese Wissenschaftler speculeren, der Stein wurde von steinzeitlichen View more transport, a route, the “ein hohes maß a gesellschaftlicher Organization mit innerbritischem Transport während der Jungsteinzeit“.

Were the people in the Jungsteinzeit in the Low Countries, the tons that are transported through the country?

What did that mean? When the people of the young years were in the low time, there was a stone-time FedEx package weighing 13,227 pounds (approx. 6 tons) from the Orkney Islands off the Scottish coast southwest of Salisbury-Ebene in the highest London transport, when man thought, that looks like the weight of one of the African African Elephants is spread out.

A single love that lasts a year or more is “just in time” relative. At the current time, his transformation is as good as the scientist, we will show Stonehenge a “world wonder”. The new Researches, the von Wissenschaftlern der Curtin University in Australia were, as an example – they turn a geological investigation on its head and come to the conclusion that the altar stone, of the man long glazed, originates from Wales, in reality from Scotland and a journey of 450 to 600 kilometers (725 to 965 kilometers) must have been made.

The stone must be of great size for the human dam. There are a number of other stones ​​that are being moved from Steinkreis to Steinkreis. “But that’s a very, very long way,” said Heather Sebire, lead curator at Stonehenge for the English Heritage Group. It is a new fact that there is “standing still”.

War Stonehenge a war, an astronomical hour or a versatility?

Was the war at Stonehenge a statute of war, a collection, an astronomical clock or a “computer”? The Altarstein war gave a gepenstischer Ausreißer, a zigzag art in the representation and platzierung and one of the most analyzed Steinstücke über all, an art world for the archaeologists.

You can view the best. There lies in the center, the heart of the Steinkreises, where you can lie, with horizontal lies, founded. Do you want to hold your ground? Viellelicht 2500 BC. Do you think a später nach Stonehenge has come? Sicherlich, aber die Erbauer must fall into a seinen Platz zwängen.

No one knows that the Altar Stone serves as an Altar, but whoever is in the nearby “Schlachthofstein” does not resemble the Human Opfern zu tun hatte – again with humans nor with others. Now that the Romantic (travelling) Names, which are frühen perlenkettenbewehrten Antiquare de Steinen gaben, in der Vorstellung, dass Druiden ihr böses Geschäft performedeten, an irgendwelche un Heiligeen Gottheiten zu besänftigen.

Stonehenge Altar Stone originates from Scotland – not North Wales

A 25-year-old Doctor and name of Anthony Clarke, who originated from Wales and Stonehenge as a kind of favor, let such things happen after the Herkunft of the Altarsteins. Clarke and Kollegen examine their policy on the area of ​​the Steins, thinner than a hair’s breadth – and that’s it.

Robert Ixer, an archaeologist at University College London, an authority on the geology of Stonehenge and the review of the papers, among others in the magazine Nature erscheint, sagte, dass das Team in Australien nur zwei Proben des Altarsteins zur Verfügung hatte. “Aber das war genug,” says Er der Washington Post. There is a new re-creation of the Altarstones “erstaunlich”. If a great signal career with the Annahme, the Altarstone from Wales, has appeared, it is not that it is ever as good as Schottland.

The fragment of Stonehenge Altarpieces is not understood

The Neolithic monument, the world culture becomes so attractive, that is no longer possible, a hammer and a meisel are nehmen, wie de Viktorianer and his Vorgänger taten, and a Brocken zur Untersuchung abzuschlagen. If they both research a year from the 1840s, it is about a hammer, and a dichotomy from the 1920s, who gets to work as Schutt. And if these are both splitters, the Forschers die of a Schlussfolgerung über de regionale Herkunft des Altarsteins führten.

“They are both fragments of the Altarstones with very dense markers”, so Ixer. The analysis of Altarstones is said to have been done by Chris Kirkland of the Timescales of Mineral Systems Group and the Curtin School of Earth and Planetary Sciences. This modern Labor work has become normal at the Eisenerz and Goldvorkommen.

Chemischer Fingerabdruck verrät de Herkunft des Altarsteins von Stonehenge

In this fall, the laser group for light and mass spectrometer is one, a single grain in the Altarstein Splitter, which gives the mineral apatite, rutil and zircon next to the merksamkeit, which with one of the possibilities has fallen and thus an art „ geological watch“ for the data of the material became. If you have had the best time to remove the minerals in the Altarstein minerals, which were up to 2 million years and other 450 million years old, was an art chemical technique ergabdruck.

The geologists of Curtin are with the 95-percent Sicherheit, that is at the Altarstone an old red sandstone from the Orcadian Basin in the northern Scotland trade area, an area, which exploded from the Orkney Islands to Inverness. Two other stones can make up the largest part of the Stonehenge constellation. The large Sarsensteine, which on the postcards, the rights to the monuments and the stürze statues – the dramatic image of the monuments – were enormous, but they originate from the nearby Steinbrüchen, which were not all kilometers entfernt.

The other stones, which the American Kreis images, were generated “Blausteine” and originate from Steinbrüchen in Wales. Who all the Sarsen and Blausteine ​​​​transport, is after who for the most part is: Words are in meadow baskets wound and rolled? Or could it be that schlitten are shoveled, on tree trunks rolled or a person with ropes and leather sucked, perhaps with the hand of oxen?

Kam der Altarstein über den Seeweg nach Stonehenge

Was the Altarstein involved, so the Forscher von a Seeweg aus. If we do that, Neolithic man will have transferred the common Wühlmaus vom europäischen Festland to Orkney. This is a gift for the boat transport of Vieh, Steinwerkzeugen and Töpferwaren on the Seeweg. Were and Tiere überquerten schon damals den Ärmelkanal.

Research has been carried out for the Neolithic construction of buildings – all things meist in Flüssen, not near the lake. Seetüchtige Flöße, veldleicht Boote with Tierhäuten ausgekleideten Rümpfen? It is a good vermutung, but it is a physical experience that lives in the Ufern, while the art of the material quickly disappears.

The geologists are here, while the geologists have now started in heart and soul, who have done their best in Scotland, of the tribe of the Altarstein – and then gestehen, that is a new generation of archaeologists, who a herauszufinden, who and war of the Stone moved, there is probably no question of erfahren. “Think that this thing can provide for the lost lost life”, as Clarke said. Or perhaps not either.

To the author

William Booth heads the Washington Post’s London bureau. Zuvor was a Büroleiter in Jerusalem, Mexico City, Los Angeles and Miami.

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