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Polar light passed? The fiercest Sonnensturm cannot yet come

Polar light passed? The fiercest Sonnensturm cannot yet come

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I have discovered a huge Sonnensturm Polarlicht in an unusual area. Fachleuten zufolge könnte dies in der Zukunft häufiger forkommen.

When the night comes, you will see more pictures of Nordlichtern in the social media. Jordan Pegram, the lighter deluge of his Wunschliste Streichen Wollte, fuhr een diesem Westliche von Richmond in een cloudless, dunkle Gegend. It’s time to look forward to seeing you soon. Then you snap a photo with your Handy, and in your field you can take a photo. Der gesamte nördliche Himmel-war in Rosa gefärbt. She started to weep. “My first experience with the Nordic lights was very rewarding,” says Pegram. “I never thought that this would happen in Southern Virginia.

Man often becomes the best of the dollar, one of the northern lights that is visible, in the letzten months man of the aurora is probably become, ohne über in the backyard moves in the sparrows. In the United States the geomagnetic polar light has brought from the California in Texas to Florida. In the light Breitengraden man sees a green light color, which is more normal in the North Pole region and is found like that. Some fun things that are done with the August, while other people with long-term lighting in their room and handy parties enjoy.

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This Aurora Extravaganza is the first of history, as the Wissenschaftler. If the Aurora has not yet been discovered or is no longer so, it may be that the following years will have a greater experience. “In the next three years we will see a beautiful aurora,” says Bob Leamon, a sonographic physicist at the University of Maryland Baltimore County and at NASA. “It is as if a whole generation of people discovered something for the first time.”

Polar light in the middle of the sun was born after 20 years

The bisherigen Erscheinungen were een Ziemliches Aufwärmtraining. Am 10. May, when Pegram starts in the first Polar Light, the Erde will be a strong geomagnetic storm that is mysterious for two years, with the most widespread Polar Light in 500 years. After the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) rated the Sturm with a Schweregrad of 5 on a Skala of 5. Aber mindestens sieben other Stürme haben seit 2019 die Stufe 4 erreicht.

So who the Erde Gewitter is, has the Planet in the Stürmische Wetter of the Sonne, a geomagnetische Stürme. If you take a material out of the probe, the magnetic fire is emitted. These sun rays have caused an explosion of explosions on the solar radiation, while the coronal massive mass würfen, while the charged parts are charged, with the magnetic field of the probe verschmolzen.

Solar energy bursts can affect the satellite engagement, the frequency is increased and the power is interrupted. The parts wander through the magnetic fields of the Earth in an uncertain atmosphere, while the Luftmolek era returns, the various colors of Photonen freisetzen, which can disappear as Aurora. If you are years busy with the execution of your probe, there is a higher probability for the geomagnetic storm hat. Go to the moment in this „Sweet Spot“.

Do you want to reach the height of solar activity?

The Sissenschaftler can first set the height of the solar activity for a few months at a party – so if a man wants to wage war, all the material is a fruitful sin, before the man can start the siege. Once you know it, you can do it.

Every time the magnetic north and south pole of the sun was visible, the solar activity and the upper surface were active. The “sunspot loop” that was active on the sun upper surface a few years ago was like others, in the Rule and the number of the dark spots, the sunspots, chopped. More sunspots are active, magnetically complex in the region of the sun, the eruptions and explosions that occur. Not all these solar eruptions affect the Earth, but it is so, as if one were to throw more darts in a dart game – the Wahrscheinlichkeit, which is a personal experience, is greater.

Nordlichter über Brandenburg on 13.08.2024 (Symbolbild).
Nordlichter über Brandenburg on 13.08.2024 (Symbolbild). © Andreas Franke/Imago

Who sees a puzzle piece of a Hinweis piece in the puzzle pieces, will get the most out of the sun. One company is the Messung der Anzahl der Sonnenflecken, which will start the new Sonnenzyklus from 2019, which will continue to go further. On August 8, the thoughts were 299 Sonnenflecken groups at the height – the highest Zahl on July 2002. When the by the schnittliche monatliche Anzahl der Sonnenflecken in the high point was reached, he sprung a man of a Sonnenfleckenmaximum.

The large geomagnetic current is restored after the Sonnen-Maximum

There are many more examples, but the subtle details are that the Vorboten of the next Sonnenzyklus are along a einschleichen, so of the Weltraumwetterforscher Scott McIntosh. I am planning to start a Wissenschaftler in July, it is worth starting the next Sonnenzyklus. It is a fact that it is so that the maximum comes from the sun in the Abstieg-übergeht.

If the other page of the maxima is read, it is a good idea for the polar light hunter. The major geomagnetic influences usually occur one or two years after the maxima on a phenomenon, such as Gnevyshev-Lücke, said McIntosh, chairman of the Weltraum operation at Lynker and his stellvertretender director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. “The real fun in the solar cycle is not now. It goes there, what comes in the next year,” he said. “The flow became more complex and larger, and the power for the Earth became an ever larger flow.”

Fachleute erwarten große Sonnenstürme – fellleicht larger als der von Mitte Mai

When your solar energy is at its maximum, you can make a complex that penetrates. When you see the rank of the next Sonnenzyklus, you can change with the other Sonnenzyklus. Laut McIntosh has the system of both no longer polarizing and can make another verheddern. When the system changes, the plus and minus point function begins to become new, one of the most simple configurations is erreichen. After the composed spaghetti dishes released a huge amount of energy.

“If this hybrid system is formed at the top, it will soon be soft, which will result in tax losses,” says McIntosh. The experience since last, last great Stürme – fell sogar great as at 10. May.

Solar activity and polar light: Who will be intensive in the coming years?

If you are doing a business matter, it is a solar job that goes through the schnittlich or through an impenetrable schnittliche situation, when the man takes the case. There is no question of a bad look at the Polarlichtjäger. Bisher has the monatliche zonfleckenzahlen in that summer and the high position of a by the schnittlichen Zyklus erreicht, which from the data of the Österreichische Weltraumwetterdiensten and the GeoSphere Austria hervorgeht. Before that summer the Zahl der Sonnenflecken still remains below the Durchschnitt.

Was the son’s coronal mass mass production recruited, so said that dating, that I got a current on the Erde-trafen at 31 years. In those years it was 40 to 50 years ago. Weitere 40 bis 50 were hit by Erde in the year 2025. In one of the perfect statistics that your data contains, it is a fact that there is a problem for its consequences. In reality, eruptions often die from a strong geomagnetic storm.

The active solar cycle can still have a large solar storm on the ground

“It seems fascinating, because all these acts (coronal Massenauswürfe) Einschläge und Aurora-Ereignisse are haben”, according to the Sonnenflecken in Vergleich zu den Sonnenflecken since 1750 still a single duchschnittlichen Zyklus lie, so Christian Möstl, Leiter des österreichischen Weltraumwetterdienstes.

From the beginning of the Sonnenzyklus since the G4-Stürme this phase of the active Zyklus was cut through, so the Weltraumwetter expert in Sara Housseal. When the Saison so went with the passing of the Zyklen, so Housseal, who had let the 20 G4-Stürme through the 20 G4-Stürme, had not even been a previous Anzahl of the G4-Stürmen in the tank. If you visit the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, so if you do a research on the 100 G4-Stürme zu erwarten, it was very likely that you could do this.

“Polarlighter in smaller Breiten can be a fast all-täglicher Anblick signal”

“The action that is taking place in the Direction of the Sun Maximum is so great that the G4 and G5 storms are no longer used, until the Cycle is over,” says Housseal. If you make the right choice, the Cycle is ultimately disabled. The Tatsache, which has a G5 storm in May, when the Sun Cycle has never taken a high position, “speaks bands, whoever is active the Cycle might still be able to be,” says Shawn Dahl, the Service Coordinator for the World Dream Weather of the NOAA.

There is a strong waste of money between 60 or 70 colonies that have caused massive problems. “When such a cycle maximum, polar lights can be seen in low-range degrees of a fast all-day view, so that every two months it takes,” said Möstl. The model says that the solar job is relatively expensive for 10.5 years, like Leamon. There is a fact that the “larger outburst” will occur in the fourth quarter of 2028, while the previous time was verified again.

Solche großen Polarlicht-Ereignisse “since in the past we have seen many transformations, both of them millions of people who could admire the Wonder of the Universe,” says Möstl.

For author

Kasha Patel writes the living column Hidden Planet, which is based on clear themes surrounding the experience, from unserem inneren Kern bis zu Weltraumstürmen, which sin directed at unseren Planeten. This message is about Wetter-, Klima- and Umweltthemen.

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