

NL News 2024

Explosions in Rostow – Russia Redeems Soldiers

Explosions in Rostow – Russia Redeems Soldiers

A Russian Rocket has a Hotel-zerstört. Russia has started a big English Luftangriff in the Ukraine. All information on newsblog.

04.43 am: In the southern Rostow region the reports are an Öllager in Flammen. More Russian telegram channels and the Ukrainian portal “Kyiv Independent” reports from a mutmaßlichen Ukrainian Drohnenangriff on the Depot Glubokinskaya. The Governor of the Rostow Region, Wassili Golubew, is proud to say that four Ukrainian Drohnen over the area have been removed.

An angry look at a bearing is not possible. Offizielle Angaben über Schäden or der Verletzte lie de Berichten zufolge zunächst nicht vor. The Rostow region, border in the West and Ukraine, with the best regions of Donezk and Luhansk.

5:21 p.m.: Ukrainian President Vladimý Selensky has brought the sin of dialogue with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin to general confirmation. “The world warns that Ukraine is proposing a compromise plan, who the war could be tomorrow,” said a representative in Kiev. “It is not so, it is not a compromise with Putin, but Putin is the dialogue he has learned, but the war has never been diplomatic.” Putin has made his diplomatic decisions, but wants to reach 30 percent of Ukraine. “And we were not playing with him,” Selenskyj says.

The Ukrainian Prince in the Western Russian region of Kursk has given an impetus to the welds, which are somewhat baked at Kiev’s expense, after Selensky’s opinion. “The Kursk operation has taken a great flight, while the weight of the voices on the subject is getting lighter”, where Selensky is again sitting from the Agentur Unian.

Ukraine is considering its own Peace Plan from the World Community that stops welding. At the Ukraine-Friends Conference in Switzerland in June, the states promoted their plan not to help Russia in these treaties. The Peace Plan from Kiev envisages the removal of Russian troops from all areas of Ukraine, including Crimea. Then Russia will be reparation payments. In the meantime, all Moscow responsible for the war – politicians and soldiers in equal measure – will be held accountable for an international administration.

3:25 p.m.: The Russian Internal Service FSB has taken on a number of German journalists and a Ukrainian journalist. Both are illegal in the Russian region of Kursk, whoever the FSB is, is useful. Nick Connolly, Mitarbeiter of the German Auslandsrundfunks Deutsche Welle (DW), and Natalia Nagornaja, Mitarbeiterin of the Ukrainian Senders 1+1, sent messages from Ukrainian control services in Kursk.

The Ukrainian army entered the Russian Border Region on August 6, after being caught in a grim war in camps in eastern Ukraine. Russia launched an offensive in Ukraine in February 2022.

Since the beginning of the Ukrainian offensive in Kursk, direct attacks against foreign journalists were prepared. These accusations come from the Italian reporter of the most right-wing Rundfunks Rai, a journalist who helped the American channel CNN to be Ukrainian reporters. The journalists and journalists report among other places from the city of Sudscha in Kursk, the Ukrainian government leaders of Kiev control the world. Few of these five journalists find it in Russia. The execution can last a year.

15.11 hrs: The Ukrainian army has captured the commanders of Olexander Syrskyj in his first hour in the Russian Gebiet Kursk 600 war prisoners. The Ukraine has increased its fund for the release of prisoners, as the general reports about a conference in Kiev.