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USA: Wahlbetrug: Überarbeitete Anklage against Trump veröffentlicht

USA: Wahlbetrug: Überarbeitete Anklage against Trump veröffentlicht

ARCHIV - US President Donald Trump has been placed in Manhattan Criminal Court. Photo: Mark Peterson/AP/dpa
ARCHIV – US President Donald Trump has been placed in Manhattan Criminal Court. Photo: Mark Peterson/AP/dpa


The Bundesverfahren is the American President Donald Trump who has used a Wahlbetrug, an overarching argumentation.

The team of Sonderermittler Jack Smith has drafted the new document, which has been started by the US Department of Justice with its right-wing conservative more power, which Trump has developed for his certain American immunity. Due to the historic separation of the courts, Smith and his team should be the first time that Trump has a chance, to be able to win again in the fall.

The new Fassung is a kürzer and clatters a passage from the Anklageschrift written by us, including Trump’s Interaktionen with the Justizministerium. The four Anklagepunkte are in limbo. Trump has a different Verschwörung zum Betrug und de Vereinigten Staatsvorgeworfen, anyway Verschwörung zur Behinderung eines amtlichen Verfahrens.

Trump’s supporter stormed the Washington Parliament on January 6, 2021. Trump hated the Capitol storm on various occasions, the 2020 presidential election failure with chickens, and his damaging defeat against Democrats Joe Biden. In the war between the US and Washington headquarters, the Republican government will start the Bundesbene war – a new war in the US-Federal State of Georgia.

Trump’s Team looks at the Monaten with a number of things, which and other Strafverfahren get their verzögern and Prozesse-abzuwenden. The Republikaner fully accepts debts and establishes the Ermittlungen gegen as Versuch seiner politically Gegner, in the caltzustellen.

On the platform of Truth Social, Trump wrote, Smith appeared with his “laughable” new anklageschrift in full, a “tote” Hexenjagd weerzubeleben. It is an “act of diversion”. The anklage must be removed before it is completed.

The Trumps were busy with their souls with the Question of Immunity of Presidents before the Supreme Court, while the appeal was made in Washington. That is not according to your wishes. Was Trump’s lawyer a conscious choice, it was a similar care. Experts are puzzled, that is in the Washington fall, nor for the president in November a trial started.

Who stehen die others Verfahren?

Das Verfahren in Atlanta zu versuchtem Wahlbetrug

Also in the federal state of Georgia, Trump was indicted for his Influenza investigation in the 2020 election – together with several other people. However, Trump is not in focus in the allegations, under the leading citizen Fani Willis. The American Trumps and other accusers can enter into a romantic relationship with others in the fall in which the state banks make unfair financial profits. A reprimand by the rumors will Trump have suffered for a while, while Willis his missions fortify-darf. The three austerity judges have come to March 2025, a darüber zu divorced. A first suspension is planned for October. A trial for the Presidential election gilded then as concluded.

Das Verfahren in Miami met Dokumenten-Affäre

In Miami in the Federal State of Florida, Trump was – ebenfalls auf Bundesebene – angeklagt weg seines Umgangs mit Strength secrets Regierungsunterlagen. In my opinion, the decision-making process would be more sensible in terms of information regarding the timing of the President (2017 to 2021), so we will have a review of the background of the Ermittlungen. So Trump looked into it, using material from the room of inquiry and cabinets of documents that are away from the weld. See these Ermittlungen by Smith.

The sister Richterin stated that the Verfahren Mitte July überraschend ein. When you start with Zweifel, you start with the lawful actions of the Sonderermittlers. Smith explains the day there is a problem. Sollte er damit Erfolg has, würde the Verfahren wieder aufgenommen. If you gold yourself in the fall, it is practically not possible, it is neither for the presidents’ day in November zum Prozess käme.

Verfahren in New York with an unjust verbuchtem Schweigegeld

In New York, the war of the Republicans Ende May can make an unjust verdict and a pornographer be killed. The State Attorney’s Office will lay down Trump in the fall of business disputes to the last. There is a bad information and right-wing action before and after the 2016 presidential election, shows wollen, a chance for a Wahlsieg zu versserrn. The punishment mass has not yet been sold. This step was shifted a bit, from July to Mid September. Trumps are still wollen or even aware of the Wahltag in November. Trump has been given a warning that his time has ended.

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