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E-cars under Trump 2.0: Can Elon Musk’s Freundschaft protect the industry? | 28.08.24

E-cars under Trump 2.0: Can Elon Musk’s Freundschaft protect the industry? | 28.08.24

Donald Trump made a good choice. So the Republican presidential candidate is that Tesla boss Elon Musk has put his kitchen in his kitchen. Of E-Autos, Trump seems to wonder how he never wanted to do anything else.

• Musk and Trump build friendships
• Trump lobs Musk
• Abschaffung der Steuervorteile für E-Autos possible under Trump

I received an interview with Reuters Donald TrumpMusk has emerged from the closet during the nomination period – it’s a case of a who-is-who-wanted re-election. “There’s a really big guy. I’d be busy in the fall, if that’s the case. There’s a brilliant guy,” Trump told Reuters. While Musk is adding large sums to Trump, the tech billionaire will make his money by getting more men to appear via X for Trump as US president. The Ganze game is characterized by a heartfelt male friendship that tears the two apart, they are first on Rahmen a X-Livestreams on a large scale. In this Musk is skilled his interest, part of the Trump government to his: “I think it’s a great art, when es a commission for government efficiency is going,” Musk explained. After the Commission had taken a decision, “the money from the Steuerzahler auf good Weise ausgegeben wird”. Dabei würde there – so Musk – “gerne mihelfen”. One idea Trump opined was “loving,” which was a livestream response.

Well but not

Blatt sich nun standardet zu ben: So Trump found out in Rahmen one of the two days of interviews with CNBC, that Musk vermutlich but not too much his cabinets in white House würde. Grund Seien Musks berufliche Verpflichtungen: “There is a lot involved. There are large Unternehmen and therefore kann er, Denke ich, nicht in Kabinett sein”, reports Trump gegenüber CNBC. According to Musk, “the country is prepared and I have some good ideas,” Trump repeats. If this happens, this is smart intelligence.

Skepsis gegenüber Steuervorteilen für E-Autos

Should Trump be re-elected, so the Republican plans the abolition of the tax bill of 7,500 US dollars for the purchase of electric cars on the market. Therefore: “Tax bills and travel are generally not a very good thing”, Trump explains, with ZDF today reports. Although there is a “bigger fan of electric cars”, there are all kinds of gasoline and hybrid vehicle applications. We see that the cost and government problem is a “smaller market” for electrical appliances. During this period, the administration of US President Joe Biden has begun to set regulations for the production of electric and hybrid machines. While most people under Trump were very sensitive, the export of Mexican production for the American market would be carried out by the new Zölle. Plane von denen also Tesla was hit during the duration. It’s possible we’ll see Trump and Musk’s influence in a different way — and what plans we can make for Tesla as well.

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Image Source: Frederic Legrand – COMEO /,Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images,JStone /,Jason Merritt/Getty Images for Tesla