

NL News 2024

USA: Erster Eindringling bei Sturm auf US-Kapitol zu Haftstrafe verurteilt

USA: Erster Eindringling bei Sturm auf US-Kapitol zu Haftstrafe verurteilt

In Washington How a Richter de Mann in January 2021 as Sturm of the Trump supporters on American capitalism was continued as the first in the congress building, his rapid four-in-a-half year was concealed. Michael Sparks was 46 years old at the Bundesstaat Kentucky and worked with a Freedom sentence of 53 months with a Geldbuße in the amount of 2,000 Dollars (around 1,800 Euro) verhängt.

On 6 January 2021, the nomination of Donald Trump was announced during a meeting of the American Congresses with the best presidential elections in the Capitol in Washington. Politicians must be brought to safety, the police have tear gas and Pfeffer spray ein. In the rage of people, 140 police officers were injured and more than 700 people were taken. The honorary title is considered a black tag in the history of US democracy.

Trump hates his job if the forgery is broken, a new Amtszeit will be brought by the Wahlbetrug. Short before the Kapitolerstürmung is one of the reasons to record a Speech, his Kapitol will march and “auf Teufel komm raus” to camp.

Sparks works “who green Ampelsignaal”

War is brewing on the long roads. Larger estates are caused by the Staatsgewalt and Landfriedensbruchs who are guilty spoken, after the Judge has ended at the Strafmaß-feast. Laut the Ermittlern war is the first Trump war, on January 6, 2021 in the convention center final row. Sparks have come on the next demonstrators “who have received a big signal”, as a politician in the trial in Washington.

In total, 1,500 people were charged in connection with the decision to suppress the capitalist government. More than 900 people were convicted. Longer sentences in the battle with the fury of American capitalism were given to a Californian man for 20 years and to the former leader of the Proud Boys Group, Enrique Tarrio, for 22 years.

Former President Trump appeared in four points on January 6, 2021. It is a wonder that the fall is still before the November presidential election before you turn. Trump is running for the Wahl candidate for the Republican.