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Kennedy Blew Up Wahlzettel in Swing States – Problem for Trump?

Kennedy Blew Up Wahlzettel in Swing States – Problem for Trump?

The US government is separated from the Swing States. Dort wants Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the market at the Wahlzettel for the Donald Trump rooms. Missing the plan?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is tackling a new problem – and the woman ends up with US President Donald Trump at his camp in the White House. Kennedy hates the demises we want, as the candidates for the Swiss Democrats and the Republicans abandon the swing states. Zugleich erklärte er, Trump can do no more than wollen.

Kennedy’s reflection on the fact that the separated Bundesstaaten were still present, so the US-Sender NPR am Dienstag. There has been an excessive prüfung, the Kennedy is a verschiedene bürokratische Gründen in four of the most weighty Swing States that would never buy, from the Wahlzetteln zu verschwinden. Affected by the demnach Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina and Wisconsin.

David Becker, Director of the Center for Election Innovation & Research, explained the sender of the problems as follows: “Your State has a poor reputation and a strong focus on the Wahlzetteln and the backlash. , a name vom stimmmzettel zu entfernen.” In a state where the first time was passed, some things started happening with the pressure of the stimulation.

In the fight for the Kennedys the 70s in the Running with Harris and Trump continued in the countries of the Wahlergunst, in the a number of “Swing States” that received new impulses that were separated. In the last phase of the investigation it is so that Kennedy with the Candidacy of Trump and Harris makes high costs, so the US-Portal “The Hill”.

Before Kennedy’s campaign was declared, 47 states had collected captions and 22 states had officially signed a motion. It’s not clear that Wahler is in a “Swing State” tattoo for Kennedy’s power struggle, but it’s not in the low end that Wahlzettel is spreading across the weld.

Kennedy’s Wahl campaign was, due to the complex US Wahl system, a long-term meaning. While the greater part of the 50 Federal State Party is in the hands of the Republicans or Democrats a little heart under the belt, “Swing States” will emerge. Other people who visited Rennen were worked in those years in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina and Wisconsin.

The Wählerinnen and Wähler can best bring together the 538-strong Wahlkollegiums with their stimmen in November, which the chairmen show. In part, the Candidates are the most 270 Wahlleute. Entscheidend ist herebei die Mehrheit im Wahlkollegium (“electoral vote”) and not the tatsächliche Mehrheit der Stimmen im ganzen Land (“popular vote”).

The number of the elective pro-State focuses on the operation of the population size. If you quickly turn on all government bonds, the winners of all government bonds are won – even made when beating the Siegen.