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Erster Toter in USA – Mücken übertragen Virus

Erster Toter in USA – Mücken übertragen Virus

Treaty. In the US state of New Hampshire, a person has died after being infected with the disease, which is called Pferdeencephalomyelitis (EEE). The state’s medical care depends on the patient to test positive for the virus. It appears that the first infection in New Hampshire occurred a year ago.

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If there is a woman, while the behavior is now identified, the fight against the symptoms of nervous systems in the hospital will be taken up. In 2014, three infections with the virus were reported in New Hampshire among people, two of whom died.

US-Staat erreift Maßnahmen gegen Östliche Pferdenzephalomyelitis

We were in the US that years ago the EEE-Fälle began to reach people, in the Federal State of Massachusetts, Vermont and New Jersey. In Massachusetts it can happen that pesticides cause the EEE virus, causing the disease to revive the most common disease disease. After a four-year investigation in Massachusetts, the man who was sprayed through the air near pest control this week, shared the general protection of the Federal State with. That will end the spread of the mice, which can overtake the errant.

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The symptoms of the virus analysis include Fieber, Kopfschmerzen, Erbrechen, Durchfall and Schwindel. After acceptance of the US Health Authority CDC, 30 percent of the illnesses die. There are many people who suffer from neurological neurological problems. If the EEE virus is used, it becomes neither an impfstoff nor a medicine.

In the Stadt Plymouth, the area where the areas take place, all parks and green areas of the Abenddämmerung are closed until tomorrow. The man in the instrument of the gefährdeten-occupation of Massachusetts is stoked, with the Dämmerungszeit Mückenspray aufzutragen, the Gliedmaßen zu bedecken and sich possible wenig draußen aufzuhalten.
