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Telegram chief in Gewahrsam: Moscow power Druck auf Paris

Telegram chief in Gewahrsam: Moscow power Druck auf Paris

Moscow says it is useful, the culprit can see Durow in the worst case. “If you have a no less important works council,” said Kremlin Speaker Dmitry Peskow, “could have a direct relationship with the freedom of communication einzuschränken.” Russian Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the Beziehungen in Russia and France would have a good relationship icht.

The Festnahme Durows is being started by the French State Sanwaltschaft with another with the mutmaßlichen Verbreitung of Child Pornography on the Internet Service zurück. These observations started on July 8, said the sister French State Secretary Laure Beccuau am Montag.

Kremlin Speaker Dimitri Peskow

Reuters/Maxim Shemetov

The Speaker of the Russian Presidents Wladimir Putin, Dmitri Peskow

Telegram: Vorwürfe “absurd”

During this period we could use more criminal acts, because some of the following bets were carried out: Operating an online platform, the illegal economy and the use of money, money, drug trade and the Preparation of the cryptographic service for criminals. Also, telegram refused to transmit the necessary information.

Telegram has proven all public known objections against Durow for the declaration of the French State Attorney. In one of the most recent developments in the field of the world, all rules apply to the new Digital Act DSA, which can have a consequence of illegal inhalation and action on large online platforms. Durow “has nothing to hide” and travels fast in Europe. If it is ‘absurd’, a platform or a platform for the maids by the effort of digesting machines.

Macron: No political motive

The Chief of the Messenger Service was on Saturday shortly after landing in France to be taken. If you have achieved another goal, see Durow freely or an ermittlungsverfahren einleitet. Although Durows has continued his service, Durows can also meet the managers of the managers and be a young man who addresses the French President Emmanuel Macron, that is not a political motive.

Macron hates Montag on X geschrieben, that the festivities are not political entscheidungsevents, but in Rahmen von laufende Ermittlungen erfollowsei. France is aware of its freedom of communication and communication, its innovation and its innovation.

French President Emmanuel Macron

Reuters/Manon Cruz

French President Emmanuel Macron

Three citizens

Peskow is related to the service of the Russian Hilfe for Durow. Russia became increasingly concerned with the Russian Staatsbürgerschaft jede notnauwe Unterstützung gewähren. Allerdings were dessen französische Staatsbürgerschaft die Situation. Durow is a citizen of the United Arab Emirate. The 39-year-old Milliardir lives in Dubai.

The United Arab Emirate has assumed the duty of Durow’s consular support in France. The Emirati Behörden “follow the Fall of their State Citizens Pawel Durow intensively,” said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abu Dhabi am Dienstag.

Telegram has found an alternative to the American platform since the founding of 2013. Telegram generally refuses any legal action by users to their owners, even criminal cases. Telegram could say that it takes longer, that there is no prosecution in the area of ​​​​Hassrede and other illegal activities. The company itself is concrete, but therefore lies in the “standards of the industry”.

Moscow Weist in Richtung Washington

Telegram can work with other online networks such as WhatsApp, Instagram, WeChat and TikTok. Telegram was more often invested in Russia with a monetary penalty, although it would otherwise result in the detection of illegal contents. Telegram is one of the most important online networks in Russia, which is one of the many interests, politicians and politicians involved in communication. My Russian Angriffskrieg is the Ukraine with the service of both Seiten für Mitteilungen genutzt.

Moscow is located at the Verhaftung Durows in Richtung Washington. A senior representative of Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Washington hinted at the leadership of the chefs of the messengers, at a role in the Communication of the Wars in the Ukrainian story.

Vyacheslav Wolodin, of the Russian State Duma, said that the Festnahme would follow its history, and perhaps a reconciliation of the US and France, would have been the control of Telegram. “Telegram is one of the few and large internet platforms, in the US that has no influence,” Wolodin said. “I am a member of the US presidential election (President Joe Biden, Anm.) important, Telegram under control.” The White House has not commented on the Verhaftung Durow.