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Who will be charmed by the “Mittelschicht”

Who will be charmed by the “Mittelschicht”

  1. bgland24-de
  2. Economy

Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, spoke of a “economics of possibilities”. Your soul: The middle class of the bottom and most of the core are in the focus-nehmen.

Washington – “Yes, it can be done,” said President Barack Obama and the representatives of the American Democrats in the course of the week, while Kamala Harris was on the run in the White House. The presidential candidacy for the office of Vice President Harris would have the best official function in her work. In his speech Harris spoke out, who could especially lead in economic political questions. As we go out into the world, we will see more economic, which in more German points of the plans of the former presidents and Republican candidates Donald Trump fall apart. Your agenda is intended to do everything in the medium term.

Wahlkampf in the US - Party of Democrats
Kamala Harris focuses on analyzing the component parties in his presidential candidacy. © J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Harris’ „Wirtschaft der Möglichkeiten“: Keine Steuererhebungen für die Mittelschicht

Kamala Harris seeks a “economics of opportunity” and, when asked by the US President, reports on the news magazine Reuters after his Wahlkamprede in the American federal state of North Carolina. This vision is an extremely fast, advanced control, strict pre-controls in the life cycle of the house, and the design of housing projects. In his Reason-cooktop Harris will try to put the Mittelschicht in the middle point of politics. Because “I am the thief of the beast, that America is grim, when the Mittelschicht is grim”, so Harris. If you want to help Tim Walz, one of the key employees of a company, in a family and own a wealth.

Were you dabei als Mittelschicht zählt? Reuters Writes that Harris will continue in a Bidens-verspechten, the rule for the man with an income of 400,000 US dollars or less in the coming years. Damit closes the former Generalstaatsanwältin von California a wide spectrum to US-Amerikaner ein. However, plans his new reforms, the whole family and the Bauherren are fools. This is an essential medicine that the insulin charges.

Harris plans Steuervorteile für Familien und Bauherren – Unternehmen sollen höher bestuert were

In the Früheren Reden Hat Harris has he spoken, a child tax credit of 6000 US dollars for families with grandchildren. This is the way the family with children deals with the follow Wahl on the president. The child tax credit has led all the predictions of the tax foundation about a billion US dollar cost – there is little debt for the grim debt state. All in July the national debts of the national debts have a value of 270 billion dollars and a debt of 35.1 billion dollars.

Steuervorteile sollen auch für Bauherren von Eigenheimen gewährt were. The British Nachrichtenmagazin BBC If the Harris factory reports a tax cut for builders, the first company can save 25,000 euros for the first company. These amounts are four million house prices within half of four years.

Weniger inheritreulich is steuerlich for American Unternehmen aus. Seit der Trump-Ara is nu 21 Prozent Unternehmenssteuer statt der previous 35 Prozent. Harris can now have a tall plant that day at 28 days, more of the growth in view of the next. Während ihrer Zeit als Generalstaatssanwältin von Kalifornien reported bereits Unternehmen wie eBay en übte Druck auf Firmen wie Meta and Microsoft aus.

A “Trump Tax” on Product of the Bedarfs Tags – Harris Criticizes Trump’s Import Tax Plan

The plant reforms have never been positively influenced. One of the external controls can be used, while more Schlupflöcher is used, such as experts on the wort. Because it is becoming increasingly important, the American control system is being tightened. In Donald Trump’s factory, there is no import of American products, a mass intake, most economies are being affected and there are Auswirkungen in Germany. Reuters said Harris with the Worten: “That is being deceived by the Americans. He (Trump) will make a national art version of the production of products and the basic requirements – a Trump tax on gasoline, a Trump tax on food, a Trump tax on clothing and a Trump tax on no shipping-obligatory medicines. “