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Vision of John Henry Newmans | That Tagespost

Vision of John Henry Newmans | That Tagespost

Before I started thinking in Rome in the summer of 2009, the group of English spirits and gläuben thought about the world of education in the Catholic Church, because they would see elements of special spiritual and liturgical elements that Anglican inheritance could contain. This news did not come completely out of the blue. They are the dams that live in the Anglican world community. If you visit an Anglican church, an appeal is made to the Catholic Church, whereby the Vatican is prepared for.

Prepared the war of 1980 in the United States with a sogenannte “Pastoral Provision”, an art pastoral Verfügung, in Kraft gereten, die mit Billigung of John Paul II. of the Vatican glaubenskongregation ausgearbeitet are war and are single Anglicanischen Bischöfen and Priestern ermöglichte, zur katholischen Kirche überzutreten and the katholisch Priesterweihe zu empfangen. The eighth English history, the paramount law of inheritance and the family, has appealed in 2007 to the Gebrauch power, Jeffrey Steenson, a father of three children, who used the priest’s office for patrology in the seminary of Santa Claus. Stone and the new material form a glow that contains Anglican glaze. Only once, in the year 1975, a war was fought in the English language, which was swept from Amritsar in the Indian Punjab to the Catholic Church.

The large group of Catholics of the Anglican wars would have above all in America, Australia and Africa the “Traditional Anglican Community”, which has produced more than hundreds of thousands of years of big words. In 2008 the war began with a Writing of the harmful Glaubenspräfekten, Cardinal William Levada, one of the primas of the “Traditional Anglican Community”, Erzbischof John Hepworth in Australia, became. This Amalgamation of the World Anglican Community without an opposite side was in 1991 in the United States as an exclusion of Anglican positions, which no longer wanted to defy the liberal course of the Anglican World Community. In addition to the Stones of Anstoßes, the lone female Bishops were in more countries such as the Weihe des “bekennenden” Homoseksueel Gene Robinson zum Bischof of the English Diocese New Hampshire in the United States in November 2003. Both remain with tradition-oriented Anglicans on violent broader stand. They were spoken in Roman Ways for a new enchantment in the Catholic Church. Hepworth worked with others in October 2007 with others from the “Traditional Anglican Communion”, when the Congregation for the Glaubenslehre was studied.

A vision is fulfilled

There has been no war in the world, but it is a war from the English world, the dams came to Rome, to try the possibility, with my congregations to the Catholic Church to tread over. Etwa three Oberhirten should have been, the Vatican Guest House Santa Marta stays and in the Glaubenskongregation entsprechende Gespreche lead. Done in February 2009, so this is the summer of 15 years, at Pope Benedict XVI. and the sisters in the vats who made the separation, are the Catholic Catholic personalities who buy them.

Because it is a vision, the great English theologians John Henry Newman beschäftigt hadte. As the buyer of the English-Catholic Oxford-Bewegung and ready 1845 his Roman church-converted, entwarf is in 1876 the plan, an art with a “unified” Anglican church to buy. If the plan is carried out, the dismantling of the Catholic erzbischofs of Westminster will not go ahead, but it will be bare as it is intended. Newman even assured that such an Anglican “Uniate” to tension with the Catholic clergy in England should lead. That time has never been so good, but if it takes longer for the English church to experience a day as a sin, that road to the future will be cried. In the Konvertiten Ambrose Phillipps de Lisle, Newmann wrote in May 1876: ‘It is in the History of the Holy and the Church of the past, that is in itself good, since the time has not come yet … I can still find out, the construction of the English version has been started and converted, if they are no longer there – and the gentleman is still more busy. “

It should still be forgotten about 130 years. On 9 September 2010 Benedict XVI spoke the great English Theologians Newman at a God’s service in Cofton Park in Birmingham and chose and were the English Cardinal Time of the Vorsehung that was overlooked, which could now be a new undertaking. Suddenly the Ökumene in Rome had a new dynamic undertaking. It has never again become a theological research paper that hints at the traces in the Allergy of “Schwestern and Brüder”, but no longer a conversation with Spitzenvertretern other professional associations in the non-religious world, a Tausende, who is becoming catholic again, the height of his unity with the Pope want to return.

From Canada to Australia

The „Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus on the Establishment of Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans who wish to enter into full fellowship with the Catholic Church“ of Pope Benedict XVI on November 4, 2009, made it possible for Anglicans to die in the Catholic Church. It is a matter of “a great response from the Holy Fathers to the correct observations of the relevant Anglican groups”, which is what the Vatican translations are about. The Tatsache, the constitution that a “few hereditary clergy in the Personal Ordinariate provokes”, can in no case mean “a negotiation of the ecclesiastical distribution of priestly children’s rights”. The constitution “Anglicanorum coetibus” is a long party, while the Glaubensongregatie in the world is one or more personal ordinariates for the übertrittswillige English inner space of the territorial borders, which a best Bishops’ Conference directs to the world. The Congregation for the Glaubenslehre was founded on 15 January 2011 in the Abstimmung with the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales with the personal resolution “Unserer Lieben Frau von Walsingham”. In 2012, the foundation of the Ordinariats „Kathedra Petri“ for North America and Canada was followed by a new name „Unsere Liebe Frau vom Kreuz des Südens“ for Ozeanien and Australia.

The group for the authentic Confession of Glaubens is for the Mitglieder who is the Ordinariate of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, that is to say that these English-language and jewels of Holy Stuhl can use their liturgically used books. As a Deacon, the priest or the Bishop’s war, the ordinary citizen of the new structure of the priest’s pasture could become. For the autumn this inheritance can be a consequence of the festgeschriebenen of the suspended animals. The “Ergänzenden Normen zu der Apostolischen Konstitution” kept the feast, the Anglican Cleriker, the zunächst Catholic Priest to, or in no ordered ehelische Verhältnissen live, not zur Catholic Priestweihe zuglasen werden können.

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