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Make sure you don’t get past the US Open staff meeting for

Make sure you don’t get past the US Open staff meeting for

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With a personal vision for the team, Alexander Zverev chose the US Open for sailing.

New York – Klappt is on 35. Curious about the Grand Slam title for Deutschlands Tennis-Hoffnung Alexander Zverev? In the world metropolis of New York, the US Open must start at some point (all TV terminals in the overview), but the start of the Turniers must be a personal herausforderung-meistern for the active number four in the world.

Zverev took the course from the US Open Fitness Trainer

With good health, you should take a break Physiotherapist and Fitness Coach Dalibor Sirola seine Tätigkeit. A bunch of tritt kein Geringerer like Jez Green, the Zverev bereits in the Verleidingenheit that lasts a long time.

The famous fitness guru war lasts for years on Andy Murray’s page, before he heads to the Spitze. After a Zwischenstation in Team Dominic Thiem, it is now no longer Zverev’s turn.

Zverev über new fitness coach Jez Green: “Alten Gesichter tun einem auch manchmal gut”

“I am of course incredibly grateful that you are back in my team. We will expect more of your work and anything you can do is very welcome. The other time you have a manchmal gut is the beginning of the US Open in an interview with Sky.

Alexander Zverev will win a Grand Slam title at the US Open.
Alexander Zverev will win a Grand Slam title at the US Open. ©IMAGO/Scott Stuart

Zverev muss Fitness-Trainer kurz for US Open wechseln – Zeitpunkt not ideal

Signal better Coach Sirola, from the first time in February 2023 Teil von Zverevs Team war, muss aus gesundheitlichen Gründen kürzertreten. “Dalibor must be able to concentrate on health. Gesundheit geht immer vor“, so Zverev at Sky. “There must be a self-made kümmern and sich who me in a year or whoer fit, an um on the Beine zurückkommen. That’s why I’m very grateful, that’s why I’m happy, yes, that’s okay.”

Fest steht: Der Zeitpunkt für soch eine bedeutende personelle Veränderung is not ideal. Dennoch woos Zverev at the US Open and ends up with the big Wurf and his first Grand Slam title.

Can the US Open win a Grand Slam title?

The Tokyo Olympic champion and French Open finalist who, years ago, 52 Siege in der Saison verbucht, is more like your other player on the tour. Dennoch blew the victory over a Grand Slam title as an unsatisfying trauma. In Flushing Meadows, in 2020, Dominic Thiem was a punk at war, but there is a new chance that gets a traum through his verwirklichen.

“I have the feeling, I am very drunk”, said Zverev before the loose Aufgabe in the first round against Landsmann and lucky loser Maximilian Marterer on Monday (5 p.m.). “If I can play the best tennis and have 100 percent with my chance, it becomes a chance.” Can it be that it is useful? (kiss)