

NL News 2024

RBC praises RYANAIR HLDGS on ‘Outperform’

RBC praises RYANAIR HLDGS on ‘Outperform’

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) – The Canadian bank RBC has estimated the price of Ryanair from 18 to 20 euros and set the data at “Outperform” values. Analyst Ruairi Cullinane has conducted a study on the Billigflieger of one of the few prices that has won the ticket price, lowered the price prices and after the closing of the Aktienrückkäufen aus. The profit prospects for the Iren improved./tih/he

Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 27.08.2024 / 12:09 / EDT First Weitergabe der Original-Studie: 27.08.2024 / 12:09 / EDT

Note: Information about Offenlegungspflicht bei Interessenkonflikten im Sinne von § 85 Abs. 1 WpHG, art. 20 VO (EU) 596/2014 for the generated analyst house can be found at

The Ryanair Holdings Share is targeted at a plus of 100% over the time of the sale. +4.96 % and a course of 15.78EUR traded on Tradegate (27 August 2024, 18:49).

Analytical Institute: RBC
Analyst: Ruairi Cullinane
Companies analyzed: RYANAIR HLDGS
Current update: positive
Course new: 20
Course alt: 18
Observation: EUR
Magazines: 12m

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