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Dow Jones active: Dow Jones verliert am Dienstagmittag | 27.08.24

Dow Jones active: Dow Jones verliert am Dienstagmittag | 27.08.24

There have been few changes during the week in New York.

Informed on the Dow Jones service at 5:59 PM via NYSE 0.17 Prozent schwächer at 41 172.35 Punkten. Insgesamt kommt der Index damit auf een Marktkapitalisierung in Höhe von 13.637 Bio. Euro. In trading, the Dow Jones 0.096 Prozent schwächer at 41 200.84 Punkten, after 41 240.52 Punkten am Vortag.

The Tageshoch of the Dow Jones bet 41 260.79 Punkte, the Tagestief hinges 41 127.47 Zähler.

So look at the Dow Jones over the years

For a month’s rest from the NYSE trading week. During the trading day of 26.07.2024 I moved to the Dow Jones at 40 589.34 points. Before you enter the price of the NYSE securities. The Dow Jones appeared on the previous trading day on 24.05.2024, at 39 069.59 points. For a year’s work at the NYSE trading week. The Dow Jones was informed of the previous trading day, dem 25.08.2023, at 34 346.90 points.

In Index schlägt auf Jahressicht 2024 a Plus van 9.17 Prozent zu Buche. The Dow Jones rate is last at 41,420.05 points. The Jahrestief steht hinges at 37 122.95 Zählern.

Top and Flop Stocks in Dow Jones

The Top Ten in the Dow Jones are Nike (+0.74 percent to 84.90 USD), Coca-Cola (+0.73 percent to 71.36 USD), Apple (+0.61 percent to 228 USD), Honeywell (+0.39 percent to 204.65 USD) and JPMorgan Chase (+0.35 percent to 219.94 USD). Under pressure from the Dow Jones are Amazon (-1.64 percent to 172.63 USD), Johnson Johnson (-1.34 percent to 162.40 USD), Salesforce (-1.08 percent to 262.41 USD), Walt Disney (-0.90 percent to 90.95 USD) and Merck (-0.68 percent to 115.49 USD).

Dow Jones-Aktien with the largest trading volumes

The trading in Dow Jones with the larger trading volumes is the time of the Intel activities. They were traded via NYSE 3 994 463 Aktien. I am Dow Jones who has the Apple action with a market capitalization of 3.088 bio. Euro the largest stock value out.

Dow Jones Fundamental Knowledge in Focus

In those years, the Verizon stock performed with the FactSet Estimate of 9.05 as the lowest Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) among the Dow Jones-Werten. Among the Aktien in the index of the Verizon Aktie 2024 with FactSet Estimation with 6.47 considering the attractive dividend yield.

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