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US Democrats: Trotz „Kamalamania“ – Strategists erwarten Stress test

US Democrats: Trotz „Kamalamania“ – Strategists erwarten Stress test

Record-spending, rethinking and enthusiasm: Kamala Harris has been on a political honeymoon. If the candidates are up to the challenge, the surveys will be conducted in the coming weeks.

Thomas Spang

27.08.2024 – 16:35

It has been left behind by Barack Obama, the Democrats at the Coronation Party Congress in Chicago have created a real reality. “All of the unglazed energy, which has arisen in the past of the weeks”, the party friend can be from their own energy, “is a great race in a deeply divided country.”

Wohl true. After the state of affairs on November 5 at Messers Schneide. Entschieden will die in the so-called swing states, at the time when Kamala Harris and Donald Trump would take action in the fight against climate change. In Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin the Democratic party is, in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina the ‘Make-America-Great-Again’ candidate.

“Now we are not overly ill”

If the trend for Harris is always slow in coming, if the margin is so good, if you can change the dynamics of Fehltritt, Skandal or an “October” surprise. “Just don’t overpower,” warned Obama’s architect of the Wahlsiege of 2008 and 2012, David Axelrod. Joe Biden’s four weeks without Zweifel files, or Kamala Harris’s Zeug hat at all, in one of the Spitze des Tickets is ready.

The protection of the rule as chairman was often more difficult than the Bidens. I want the Umgang with the Krise and the South African border not to be kleckert with Ruhm. Make sure you answer your personal information and personal questions. In interviews Harris served an unusual wortsalat. And if you notice the energy.

If everyone is lost in a “Kamalamania” within four weeks, the meaning of the unfried warmth of the Wähler is displayed with the previous alternative. Both men are still happy with Biden and Trump, it is an incredible law. It is the inner party of Trump who said to the Vorwählen, Nikki Haley, that he had made a prophetic announcement. “The first party, the 80-year-old Candidates, will be the Wahl-gewinnen.” Kamala Harris obtained this Hoffnung in a new way. If it does not work, it is not possible. She avoided the inner partisanship of the wahlen and entered into a party without opposing candidates. Either she had to ask herself additional questions in a reasonable interview, or she had to endure a crisis in the Wahlkampf.

Nichtwähler als Zünglein an der Waage?

The next American debate is the presidential debate with Donald Trump on September 10 in Philadelphia. Punishment in these debates usually does not help candidates, but disaster can cause lasting damage.

Furthermore, the Wahlen were not part of the single party parties, despite the fact that they were poorly informed since they were not tiled in the rule. After the demonstration of the democratic Strategists Jim Messina, Davon was able to find the Prozent erreichbar signal. Harris will have an “obviously dieser tatsächlich zurne gehen” in November.