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Art: In these Kraftwerk we get energy out of it

Art: In these Kraftwerk we get energy out of it

The city edge of Munich is a new kraftwerk in a new cultural center, das Bergson. Angeschlossen is a large gallery. A well-known Berlin art dealer tries out his new business models.

Der Industriebau in Speckgürtel von München ist Stadtgespräch: Seitdem das Kunstkraftwerk Bergson in Frühjahr eröffnet hat, jeder hin. About 50,000 people can start in April, when the complex in the west of the city is no longer central. Since 2000, Quadratmetern has become one of the largest Galerien Deutschlands exhibition stands in the city.

With König Bergson, Berliner Galerist Johann König takes care of the evil Heizkraftwerk and the adjacent Neubau gerade de fünften Standort seines Kunsthandelsunternehmens eröffnet. Two galleries are available in Berlin, offices in Seoul and Mexico City, pop-ups are available in London, Vienna, Tokyo and Monaco.

The Visitor in Bergson has a wow effect. Behind the modern classical Backstein façade of the buildings is a fast 25 meter high Halle with high windows. If the lonely Zwischenebene is a Kohlenkran throne, a glass rises in airy heights of the Gallery in the beautiful Kohlesilos. There is no waiting in the Raum. Dort above the open king on 400 square meters is ready in May a first exhibition.

The sculptures of the Berlin artist Monira al-Qadiri from Kuwait were shown in the free-spirited Räume mit Gittern am Boden, by the man in the tiefen Silospeicher blickt. Publikumshit were their bunt-monströsen, von Moleculen der Petrochemical-inspired Riesenballons, die von der Decke hinges. Purchased smaller workers.

Jeppe Hein: Art as Erfahrung

The new exhibition is called “Every moment is a new moment” and is by Jeppe Hein. The Danish, Berlin-based art figure was the first to open a gallery 22 years ago. Grateful large works of art in front of the open window are the gallery owners who have a little bit of fun. In Munich, Hein is ebenfalls Kein Unbekannter, before the Lenbachhaus in 2002 an interactive fountain appeared.

His “Art as Experience” with a Labyrinth, companion pictures and a bench, the bright yellow “Social Bench”, on which the man dares to lie down, plays with the sense of realization. While Hein inzwischen sees that it is possible to trade between 50,000 and 360,000 Euro. In Bergson finds one of his mirror objects, which he hangs up or hangs up or under demands.

With 20,000 square meters of total surface and new customizable rooms, bar and restaurant, the Bergson is more like an exhibition center: a new place in Munich for events. In the 1920s, the factory was founded in Berlin, while the Bau years of the 1940s were focused on Munich, but did not bear fruit.

Das Stahlbetongebäude mit seiner Ziegelhülle lay an der Peripherie lange brach. From 1955 to the early 1980s, the Heizwerk started its Wärmeerzeugung. Then they were born and used for illegal raves. In Kalten Winter, the man in Keller was able to complete the Schlittschuh-laufen – the Unternehmerbrüder Michael and Christian Amberger were able to receive the Industriehalle and the Grundstück of the Deutschen Bahn.

Owned by the Zentrale von Allguth, the tank and distribution centers, which look a bit, but as an office could continue its monumental building and yet not fall apart. Since 2007, since 2021, we have been working on the Munich Architekturbüro Stenger2 for a new “Ort for Culture and All People”, with its program director Maximilian Maier.

It is a new, whiter concrete slab with slatted windows, the Altbau in its proportional mirror. I will be opening a concert hall here in October. I am a teiler in the Galerie König. The 1600 quadratmeters of four Stockworks, which are combined in different ways, are played with 157 Works of 100 Künstlern.

Ziemlich frei nach Franz Kafka is the show entitled “Metaphor for the metamorphosis”. Only, although the anniversary of literature is celebrated, but the theme identity and transformation will take place in the time of the journey. If you see Kafka, so Johann König, a “TikTok and Instagram phenomenon”, the hashtag has gained 50 million followers.

A successful PR-Maßnahme?

In a part of the Halle that is full of art dealer objects: Stephan Balkenhols three-meter-tall wood sculpture “Perseus” from 2018 is for 162,000 euros with his life, Joana Vasconcelos with the Häkelspitze-überzogene Kitsch-Lampe “Madison” (2018) for 75,000 euros, a Bilderwand full of Gemälde von Friedrich Kunath by Matthias Bitzer. This is one of the many self-portraits of the Berlin photo art of Annette Kelm.

When he played on his Turkish Würzeln, there was an exuberant teppich who had no personal attention – for his photos are a kind of Schnurrbart-wachsen, was a Turkish enterprise that was free of irritation at the Berliner Freunden-irritation. The Israeli art teacher Amir Fattal has made Paaren kreiert with his intelligent intellectual idealistic men and portrait photography. The oil pictures, which in China lie more often, are a real art.

After the Unterlassungserklärungen and Prozessen have not been used before, the more Frauen 2022 Johann König erhoben, a number of art teachers and art teachers who leave the Gallery. Darunter included Monica Bonvicini and Elmgreen & Dragset, with a lot of work in the Munich Ausstellung dennoch vertreten. König hat inzwischen sein Geschäftsmodell geändert. Statt auf exclusive Repräsentation, who is on the Primarmarkt der Galerien, is a work by Künstlern, who also works with other Galleries, and on the Secondary market.

There are even more male names with Anselm Kiefer, Rainer Fetting (with the new sculpture “Ost-West-Geisterei” for 113,000 euros), Karl Horst Hödicke and Erwin Wurm placing works by female artists here: by Isa Genzken one of the only iconic figures from 2017 (245,000 euros), by Xenia Hauser the gem “Small Talk” from 2022 (110,000 euros).

A book sculpture by Chiharu Shiota was released (95,000 euros), a “Hurrican” sculpture from 2008 by Monica Bonvicini (45,000 euros). A Körperverformung by Anna Uddenberg from 2017 (60,000 euros) is a surrealistic Human-Animal-Body-Parts made of silicone by the Italian Trans-artist Agnes Questionmark, which is being shown at the Venice Biennale.

For local colouring, the seven-part photo series “Club der toten Dichter” by the Munich artists Wolfgang Flatz is put together. On the day of purchase, the high ratings of Französin Juliette Minchin (approx. 9000 euros) and the production in a porcelain factory in Kiev are viewed, through which figures of the Ukraine with Julia Beliaeva (approx. 3000 euros) are depicted. Paper can still be stamped against the Bürokratieterror of the Argentine Amalia Pica (2000 euros).

Otherwise, the legal challengers who made the Galerie König offensively Pricetransparenz to a piece of furniture. The Masse an Kunst will appear at the Hausmesse St. Agnes in the Berliner Stammgalerie, which will be sold on Marke in 2021. Dort nicht is not a work of art in the Kommission, but it is a good idea. Man könnte lästern: Koning has made photographs and sculptures here after the Gießkannenprinzip and. Immerse yourself in art at a higher level.

Gabi Czöppan is a journalist and art critic in Munich.