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US: Frau founded an era of legendary Burning Man festivals

US: Frau founded an era of legendary Burning Man festivals

The legendary wilderness festival Burning Man in the American state of Nevada has begun. The German Press Agency was announced from 25 August to 2 September on a rocked-out Salzsee in Black Rock Desert with a value of 70,000 “Burner” erwartet. There are more events that cause a tragic event: a 39-year-old festival has died.

Wüsten-Festival Burning Man: 39-year-old Frau robbt

At 11:29 a.m. there is a report from Burning Man on a report about a non-responding person who responds to the “Burning Man Project” with. Life-saving measures remain in effect. “Despite the gratitude and trust of the family and friends, that delight is struck”, he is zudem.

So if the art and the well-being of the todes got a statement from the sheriffs, the autopsy and toxicology interview happened earlier. The report “Abc News”.

The first year I started, the festival of a Todesfall event. Damals starb “San Francisco Chronicle” follows a 32-year-old man and a fresh hentlichen overdose.

The time focuses on a temporary city called Black Rock City

There is a big event with music and art that has won the tradition of art, techno fans, pyrotechnics and new ideas from all worlds. The parts focus on the Wüste aus Zelten and Wohnmobilen a temporary city in the name Black Rock City. A core ritual at the end of the events is the story of the Burning Man, an over-dimensional wooden statue.